Jarida la Kiswahili Sanifu
Jarida la Kiswahili Sanifu (JAKISA) ni jarida wazi linalotathminiwa na wenzi. Jarida hili litachapisha makala za taaluma ya Kiswahili. Makala zote zitatumwa kwa Mhariri Mkuu na kufanyiwa tathmini ya kina ya kitaaluma. Makala zitakazokubaliwa ni zile zinazotokana na tahakiki za vitabu, tasnifu, uchunguzi kifani na kazi mradi miongoni mwa nyingine.
ISSN (Online): 3079-2665
International Journal of Disaster Management and Risk Reduction
The International Journal for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction is an international, multidisciplinary journal that provides a swift publication outlet for research and technical reports on various facets of disaster situations, their scientific aspects, and their social impacts. It also attends to issues of conflict management, peace research, and humanitarianism.
Journal of Advances in Health and Medicine
JAHM was founded in 2023 through collaborations from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences, Public Health, Biomedical Sciences, and Technology of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. The goal is to provide a means to dispense knowledge in cutting-edge research in medicine and health sciences.
Journal of Education, Business and Social Sciences
The Journal of Education, Business and Social Sciences is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed Journal published by Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. It publishes original research articles case studies and Empirical research, and book reviews, JEBSS seeks to provide a platform for sharing empirical research findings, theoretical advances, and emerging principles and issues in Education, Business, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology
Journal of advances in Science, Engineering and Technology brings to fore scientific publications in all spheres that embrace scientific methods in reporting or researching. It enhances our understanding of the way in which frontier research/studies in science and technology influence society and vice versa. It is the first and most dependable journal that integrates all spheres of science, in the realization of the interrelationship in all scientific fields. The publications are in the form of original research articles, case reports/case series, and technical notes etc. It covers areas like physical, chemical, biological, both pure and applied. It also publishes engineering and technology findings, and therefore promotes interdisciplinary perspectives drawing upon a number of "hard core" science disciplines.